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Launched in 2016, WT@ WATERTODAY.CA is a Canada-wide independent media dedicated to water.
Over the years, WT has earned the trust of its viewers, members, and advertisers; and built the only national water advisory database in Canada.
Yet, the picture remains incomplete.
Water knows no borders and Canada the U.S. and Mexico share several watersheds, so we looked to our southern neighbors to expand our knowledge base.
Our first affiliates in the US are New York, Ohio and Georgia states.
Our US team will apply the same rigorous standards of journalism and provide the same trustable information to New Yorkers, Ohioans and Georgians as WT did to Canadians.
Alert maps on WT and its affiliates form the backbone of our coverage. We invite you to sign up and encourage friends and family in the three US states to do so as well.
Watertoday media brings you:
Free water alerts
Trustworthy research
In-depth interviews
Our next step is to add more affiliates in states along our path south and west.
WT, its sister Indigenous company,, and its affiliates, WTNY, WTOH, WTGA, are partners in the recently created American Water Trust. The American Water Trust's objective is to reach out to Indigenous people across the Americas to promote a more holistic management of our communal water resources.
Already plagued by decades of mismanagement, our water is now threatened by climate change. Time is running out. It is urgent that we have a solid knowledge of our water's current state to be able to fix it.