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Canada    Mexico    USA: New York    Georgia    Louisiana   Ohio    California
February 7, 2025
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WaterToday Canada WaterToday New York WaterToday Ohio WaterToday Georgia WaterToday Louisiana WaterToday California


Launched in 2016, WT@ WATERTODAY.CA is a Canada-wide independent media dedicated to water.

Over the years, WT has earned the trust of its viewers, members, and advertisers; and built the only national water advisory database in Canada.

WT is Canada’s best source for news on the drinking water that goes into your homes, condos and residences.


WT affiliates now include New York, Ohio, Louisiana and Georgia in the United States, we have also recently launched a bureau in Mexico. Our next step is to add more affiliates along our path south and west.

Our foreign teams apply the same rigorous standards of journalism and provide the same trustable information to Americans and Mexicans as WaterToday does to Canadians.

Alert maps on WT and its affiliates form the backbone of our coverage. We invite you to sign up and encourage friends and family to do so as well.

When you sign up, your information is safe with us, secured on our private servers. In no way, will we share or sell it to a corporation.

Our coverage also includes breaking news and interviews with leading edge technology developers, policy makers, and water experts that give you solid insight into topics not usually covered by the networks.

WT JOURNO HUB - Foreign journalists who are interested in covering water issues on WT are invited to join the WT journo hub. Email us your area of interest, with examples of your work and we will assist you in setting up your feed.

WT media brings you:

Free water alerts

Trustworthy research

In-depth interviews



WT     Canada    Mexico    USA: New York    Georgia    Louisiana    Ohio

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