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February 22, 2025

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Advisory for SMITHERS (14), British Columbia

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Type: Water Quality Advisory  -  Active

Issued: 1/28/2020


BOIL WATER NOTICES 28/JAN/2020 - PINECREST ROAD WATER SYSTEM BWN issued due to adverse water quality results; water supply is not being treated. 19/NOV/2019 - EVELYN WATER SYSTEM BWN issued specifically for the residence at 13364 Dunlop St and its water users. The water is not being adequately treated. 01/AUG/2018 - FRONTIER FARWEST FISHING LODGE & SOUTH CABINS BWN issued for no treatment of the water supply 09/APR/2018 - BARENDREGT WATER SYSTEM BWN issued for adverse bacteriological water quality results within the distribution system. 04/JUN/2013 - CAMP YAK ISDA BIK AH BWN issued for unacceptable water quality results. 10/JUL/2017 - MOUNTAINVIEW ADVENTURES BWN issued for adverse water quality results, underlying problem unknown. 07/NOV/2005 - GLACIER GULCH WATER GROUP WATER SYSTEM BWN issued for untreated surface water source. DO NOT CONSUME 18/SEP/2019 - MOUNTAIN VIEW ASSEMBLY PENTECOSTAL WATER SYSTEM DNC issued; a water sample collected from the upstairs kitchen on the 26nd of August 2019 showed that the number of total coliform bacteria “too numerous to count”; Arsenic detected, exceeds the maximum acceptable concentration, boiling the water would further concentrate the arsenic. 14/APR/2014 - PAUL LYCHAK HALL (EVELYN COMMUNITY HALL) DNC issued due to adverse water quality results; underlying problem has not been determined but treatment may be required. WATER QUALITY ADVISORIES 07/JUL/2023 - SMITHERS REGIONAL AIRPORT - WATER SYSTEM WQA issued for high manganese level in water supply 12/SEP/2022 - MOUNTAINVIEW MOBILE HOME PARK WQA issued for high manganese level in water supply 05/APR/2022 - SMITHERS COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM WQA issued for high manganese level in water supply 16/NOV/2020 - CLAUSEN WATER SYSTEM WQA issued because no water sample results for total coliform bacteria or Escherichia coli have been received for over one year. 04/NOV/2020 - GELLEY ROAD WATER SYSTEM WQA issued because no water sample results for total coliform bacteria or Escherichia coli have been received for over one year.

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