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March 14, 2025

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Update 2023/9/8
Aquapreneur Challenge

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Zero Waste Water Challenge

Uplink's Zero Water Waste is currently open for submissions

By Suzanne Forcese

Zero Waste Water Challenge

Uplink's Zero Water Waste is currently open for submissions

“Last year, Uplink and HCL launched the Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative to foster solutions that address water-related issues worldwide. Our Innovator Challenges have focused on tackling various aspects of the global water crisis by bringing together aquapreneurs in collaboration with industry leaders, experts, and investors.”

By the end of this decade, global freshwater demand is expected to outstrip supply by 40% due to a combination of population growth, climate change and weak water governance

Although the numbers vary by country, agriculture irrigation accounts for about 70% of global water withdrawal, industry, and energy for 19% the remaining is for household use, 21% of the planet’s largest 37 groundwater resources have already been depleted.

Uplink is calling upon aquapreneurs to address the complex and interconnected global water issues, providing solutions that can have long-term positive impact on water conservation, restoration, and distribution.

For information on Uplink and the Challenge

Last Year’s Top Innovators interviewed by WATERTODAY include:

Indra Water



Oneka Technologies



BNovate Technologies

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