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March 14, 2025

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brought to you in part by

Noah Nomad

Yukon-based filmmaker Fritz Mueller's feature documentary
VOICES ACROSS THE WATER is now streaming

By Suzanne Forcese


The National Film Board of Canada and Sagafish Media present Voices Across the Water

The documentary follows Tlingit master carver and dugout canoe builder Wayne Price (Haines, Alaska), his apprentice Violet Gatensby, a Carcross/Tagfish First Nation artist and carver, as well as birchbark canoe builder Halin de Repentigny, who lives in Dawson City.

Directed by Whitehorse-based Fritz Mueller, the film was shot over several years, meticulously recording the skills and knowledge of the last traditional canoe builders in the region, with the hope if might inspire others to take up the craft


Watch the film here

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