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March 14, 2025

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Update 2023/9/18

brought to you in part by

Noah Trekker

Three Well Contractors fined $25,500
The convictions for violating the Ontario Water Resources Act were reported on September 12.

WT Staff

On September 12, the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Park announced the convictions against Corry Delhanty, Dale Delhanty, and Daniel Simoes.

The convictions against Corry Delhanty include amongst others working at the construction of a well without a well technician licence; engaging in the business of constructing wells without a well contractor licence; including false or misleading information in a well record; failing to comply with a ministry order by failing to cease work on the construction of wells until a well contractor license was issued. He was fined fined $18,500 plus a victim fine surcharge (VFS) of $4,625 and given one year to pay.

The conviction against Dale Delhanty is for working at the construction of a well without a well technician licence.

The convictions against Daniel Simoes are for engaging in the business of constructing wells without a well contractor licence and failing to comply with a ministry order.

Date of Offences – During the period beginning on or about April 1, 2020 and ending on or about December 18, 2021

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