Update 2020/6/17 Structured Water
By Suzanne Forcese
A pristine stream flows down a mountain side. The water twists and turns, moves around rocks and the river banks, constantly swirling in a vortex and in contact with the magnetism of earth. The vortex action of the flowing water, along with the Earth’s magnetism, shapes the water crystals into six-sided hexagonal crystal structures. These six-sided water crystals bond to each other, fitting together perfectly, like a beehive. This tight packing order can exclude any foreign toxin. The science is new. The water’s structure is as original as the Earth.
WaterToday had the pleasure of speaking with water researcher Robert C. Gourlay from his home in the Mongarlowe Region of NSW, Australia. Gourlay speaks about the structure and de-structure of water. More importantly he emphasizes the need to re-structure water back to its original life-supporting intent.
“Water is the most important nutrient for life. In its natural flowing or vortexing state it is structured, energized, and negatively charged. However, most people on Earth are not using water directly from naturally flowing springs. This water is de-structured, positively charged and not life-enhancing.”
When water is stored or passes through pipes at right angles the negative life- giving charge is lost. Pristine flowing water will be in a six-sided (hexagonal) crystalline structure while water that has lost its negative charge will be in a five-sided (pentagonal) form.
“Consequently, this pentagonal structure of urban water that most humans drink is dead. The implication of using dead water in agriculture results in the production of nutrient-deficient food.” Entropy defines something that left on its own over time will gradually decline into disorder. This is the case when structured water is taken from a pristine flowing stream and stored in a container or travels through pipes. It converts from six-sided to five-sided, becoming unstructured.
“Globally, there are only a few of us who have stepped out of conventional science to understand structured water.”
Gourlay, principal environmental scientist of Resonate Research Pty. Ltd., specializes in biological research, water structure science, resource assessment and technology innovation in relation to biological farming.
Following a 26 year career as a research scientist in the Australian Army Reserves, satellite mapping for water sourcing and soil salinity, Gourlay continued an in- depth study focusing on soil biology and water. “I discovered that a lack of soil microbiome, a lack of carbon in the soil, and lack of soil structure was due to chemical farming and traditional maintenance using tillage.”
Gourlay’s unconventional approach to the study of soil biology and water led to his ‘Aha! Moment’. The microbiome in the soil and water work in synergy.
“I began to look at how we restore soil biology with structured water.”
Life on Earth depends on the structure and anomalous nature of liquid water, often called liquid crystal. Organisms consist mostly of liquid water. For example, 99% of molecules in the human body are water molecules. This water performs many functions – it transports, lubricates, reacts, stabilizes, signals, structures and partitions into a cellular process of regulation and healing.
“It is no different for plants. The living world is an equal partnership between the biological molecules and water.”
Gourlay also discovered that to mimic structured water as it occurs in Nature certain specifics are required: a vortexing motion, sacred geometry, selective minerals and a negative charge.
Robert and Stephanie Gourlay own and manage all research, development and production at their onsite laboratories at Mangiri, their property near Mongarlowe, New South Wales, Australia
Science has reached the point where it recognizes that the cell in all species (microbes, plants, animals and humans) is an electric battery and this battery is being run flat with toxic medications, water and food. When cells are balanced, organized and functioning at peak state, the cell is in a state of syntropy On the other hand when a cell is unbalanced disorganized and dysfunctional it is in a state of entropy (i.e. decay or aging). Syntropy only occurs when the flow of energy to the cell is in a continuum, or non-interrupted flow. All cells can achieve a state of coherence through the uninterrupted flow of oxygen, sunlight, structured water, and natural food.
Gourlay’s experimental work with food production has demonstrated that the presence of structured water around the root system of plants has many primary effects to sustain syntropy energy of the plants.
“The energy released by the negative charge in structured water activates soil microbes to increase nutrient flow from the air (nitrogen) and soil (minerals) to the root system of the plant.”
More than 300 tests and trials of structured water applications to food production proved in all cases food reaches its full potential in terms of growth size and flavours. Nutrient uptake (measured with a BRIX meter) by the plants can be 2-4 fold compared to untreated plants. It could be concluded that biology (microbes) and water formed a syntropy, a mutual and harmonic relationship at the beginning. The major points of difference in these experiments (compared to control plants), was the intensity of greenness in the leaves, increased leaf area and the number of flowers.
Resilience to insect attack was also noted.
“When a plant is operating at full potential, its capacity for photosynthesis increases, which means the plant is producing more sugars. Insects do not have a pancreas as we do so they cannot process sugars and are therefore not attracted to healthy plants.”
The microbes and structured water are the life forces within the soil breaking down the soil’s nutrition into forms digestible by the plants. If microbes aren’t flourishing in the soil, plants will not grow properly and will become disease prone and susceptible to viruses, fungus, and insect invasion.
Tests also demonstrated longer growing time and flower display. “Other points of difference between treated and untreated plants and specifically sprouts are an almost 100% seed germination, earlier sprouting compared to the control, significantly larger root bowl and earlier maturation in growth phases.”
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Next, WaterToday reached out to Dr. Pramod Kumar Dubey in the Department of Agronomy, Navsari Agricultural University in India, an expert in organic farming.
In an email exchange, Dr. Dubey told WT, “It has been reported that water at the interface of a hydrophilic thin film forms an exclusion zone. The structured water has a molecular structure that is arranged in a liquid crystal. This structured water appears to have a simulative effect on plant growth.” |
In Dubey’s research paper “Structured Water. An Exciting New field in Water Science”, (2018) he states that water itself can be an active constituent in cell biology.
“Structured water has been found to increase crop yield – winter wheat (28%), corn (17%), cucumber (32%) and tomato (32%.”
The effect of using structured water during higher temperatures (34°C) has a significant impact on speed of germination (83.18%) against ordinary water (75.93%). Fresh seeds at 28°C when structured water was used has a recorded higher first count (61%) followed by (34°C) at 61%.
Seeds treated with structured water have recorded higher germination percentages (89%) compared with normal water (86%). Fresh seed lots treated with structured water maintained at 28° C have a recorded higher germination per cent of 97 equal with old seed lot at 28° C (96%). Similarly, seedling length of 13.31 cm was recorded in structured water compared to normal water (12.81 cm).
Dubey adds that soil health improves and becomes more capable of supporting plant growth as well as more efficient in the delivery of nutrients to plants. Water holding capacity of soil also increased after 1-3 months. “An economical and environmental benefit,” Dubey says.
In conclusion, Dr. Pramod Dubey wrote, “Structured water is still in progression and needs more scientific inquiry. While still moving slowly in academic research, structured water is already breaking through at the commercial level.”
Gourlay adds, “There is an opportunity to use structured water in a wide range of applications including flower production, viticulture, horticulture, vegetable and fruit production to increase food and plant health in a manner that is largely disease free and nutrient dense.”
WaterToday discovered that the opportunity has indeed been seized.
We found a farm in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona where Tim and Victoria White have been growing a wide range of non-native fruits and vegetables using structured water for the past 12 years.
“When we first purchased the land in 2008,” Victoria White told WT in a telephone conversation, “there was nothing but sand and a few mesquite.”

The desert look before planting fruit trees in 2008 - Photo Victoria White
“We got together with our neighbors and purchased fruit trees from a nursery in California,” White continues, “We surrounded our land with an irrigation system using structured water. The neighbors did not. We were all using the same water from the community well. The only difference was we structured ours.”
“Our trees took off with an abundance of fruit and theirs were dead within a year. All conditions were the same except for the structured water.”
 Apple Orchard on desert land, grown using structured water - Photo Victoria White
Twelve years later, White told WT that all the original fruit trees are flourishing, producing an abundance of fruit and volunteering. The farm has expanded to include vegetables and tropical plants such as Moringa trees – all non-native to Arizona.
What other benefits have the Whites observed?
“We’ve been attracting a lot of bees. In fact, one of our neighbors who is now using structured water, placed some of the water in a bird bath. Before long bees from their hive were in the bird bath drinking all the water.”
From time to time temperatures can dip below the freezing point and the Whites have observed that “the structured water has a lower freezing point so all our plants survive.”
Along with the fragrance of the orchards and rose gardens being more intense, White adds that animals and birds are drawn to their land. “Tourists also wander in telling us they feel a calmness that pulls them in.”
Perhaps the reason is as Robert Gourlay told WT, “Water structure and energy are more critical to life function than the natural chemical constituents of water.”
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