Update 2020/8/4 Structured Water
By Suzanne Forcese
“The universe cannot be read until we have learnt the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word.”
-- Galileo Galilei (1623)
Water covers much of the earth, fills our cells, and pervades our skies. There is however still much to learn beyond the chemical understanding of H2O, the substance that sustains all life. Could mathematics play a role in our grasp of the true nature of water?
WaterToday explored this possibility with two leaders of the Tesla World Foundation Centre, Zagreb, Croatia. We had the pleasure of a joint interview with:
Tomislav Jurendic, PhD, Biotechnical Sciences, who is the founder and CEO of Bioquanta Ltd, Croatia, a company for research and development of nature friendly technologies and bioprocesses.
Davor Pavuna, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the Swiss Federal institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland; founding president of Tesla World Foundation; co-chair of the international conference series “From Basic to Life Science”; and a member of past US President Barack Obama’s Science Team.
Drs. Pavuna and Jurendic have chosen the site of Lika, Croatia – most known for its travertine waterfalls and 16 cascading lakes – for the Tesla World Foundation Centre. Unlike most of the civilized world where water is forced through pipes and unnatural right angles that render it lifeless, Lika is where “water is still naturally alive,” Pavuna says. “It is also the birthplace of Nikola Tesla.
“We are fascinated by Nature and water. Water likes freedom. Nature enables freedom.”
The two physicists worked together on their first water paper (Water 2012), where they examined structured water and fractal math.
“Applying fractal math to almost any area of science is largely overdue, so we are in the very early stages of the emergence of a completely new science.”
Fractals? “Although the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci set were known centuries before, the word fractal was coined by IBM scientist Benoit Mandelbrot. The term ‘fractal’ geometry, cannot be represented by classical geometry.”
In 1980, Mandelbrot programmed a computer to draw a mathematical equation and discovered an entire mathematical universe.
“Nature is far more complex than to be described using terms like ‘straight line’, ‘cube’, ‘circle’. According to Mandelbrot, real natural objects such as coastlines and trees, clouds and many other objects can be described using fractal geometry.”
A fractal is a geometric pattern with geometrical and topographical features that are repeated in miniature on finer and finer scales. The Mandelbrot set can be derived by this simple formula: take a complex number, square it, and then add itself to the product, over and over again.
“Fractal objects appear self-similar under varying degrees of magnification. In other words, as you look closer you see a replication of the whole. This very
important fractal property is called self-similarity. An important role in fractal geometry is dimension.”
“Classical (Euclidean) geometry deals with “flat” approximations. It is excellent for describing non-natural phenomena, but for many natural phenomena much more refined mathematics is required. Neither the water molecule nor water systems are regularly shaped. Water structures (water molecules and clusters) as natural objects are far more complicated than to be observed as one-two-or three dimensional or Euclidean geometry. This should be the task of fractal geometry.”
The universe is filled with spiral designs. Spirals can be found in the shapes of the DNA double helix, flowers, elephant tusks, sunflowers, hurricanes, draining water, animal horns, a snail shell, a pinecone, a cabbage, a fingerprint, -- and the list goes on to include galaxies.

Hurricane Katrina and the Golden Ratio (Stock Photo)
Spiral designs are not random. They have something in common. The Golden Ratio (1.61803).
Spirals and vortexes are Nature’s way of gathering energy when water passes over a particular geometric shape. In the vortex spin, the water becomes structured.
“We started to align with the idea of structured water,” Pavuna says. “It seemed implicit and very natural to us.”
Initially Pavuna and Jurendic were influenced by Viktor Schauberger’s studies of water vortices. Schauberger (1885-1958) intuited what we now recognize as the quantum or subtle energy effects of water. Schauberger found two forms in Nature: outward, expanding flow that is used to break down, and inward-spiralling which Nature uses to build up and energize.
“Schauberger proposed that the creation of water vortices is crucial in the overall dynamics and its eventual purity and functional behavior. It is an integral part of many contemporary experiments and even the fractal mathematics approach so vortices are clearly an integral part of the scheme. We expect that much more will become clear by the time more studies of fractal mathematics in complex fluids are understood.”
Jurendic and Pavuna met up with Dr. Gerald Pollack in Dubrovnik when “several new concepts merged together almost spontaneously,” Pavuna said.
“The simplest definition of ‘structured water’ is Pollack’s. Water dipoles arrange themselves at the inner membrane within a cell in an orderly fashion, like ‘stick bricks’ that rise in millions of ordered layers, perpendicular to the surface of the cell’s inner membrane.”
Pavuna adds, “Structured water clusters are self-organized water clusters that are also functionally highly correlated and relevant in many ways that we are all still discovering.”
Both Pavuna and Jurendic agree with Pollack that “Our recent studies within our present language discussions of water behavior are inadequate and insufficiently precise, or even wrong .”
Regular bulk water – “water we get in our ‘mechanical’ systems -- exhibits on average H2O stoichiometry (H-O-H molecules), and is behaving incoherently.”
Bulk water is often referred to as ‘de-structured’.
“Water can be re-structured into predominantly H2O3 or H3O2, where different fractal clusters dominate the functional behavior. It is somewhat like saying we can use ‘dead’ water and transform it to ‘live’ water (enhanced ionized oxygen content with fractal vortices dynamics).”
Research is ongoing with the revitalization of ordinary bulk water to structured water in the Tesla World Foundation.
“One has to re-introduce the vortex dynamics of ionized charges. Essentially, various aspects of water characteristics and functionality can be obtained by knowing how to alter and control the spectral function dynamics of specific water fractals.”
Pavuna draws a parallel to “what quantum electronic physicists and engineers do on the sub-nano-scale when they make new advanced and quantum chips for our latest iPhones; however, they use solid matter, while here we discuss dynamic fluid.”
A totally non-trivial challenge.
“Our most advanced research indicates that even quantum fractal fluids can be re-mastered in a very sophisticated ways that will eventually offer many new important ‘structured’ life and technology fluids.”
Fractal math can be used as an excellent tool for describing and calculating different variables and parameters required for the development of future, sustainable, nature-friendly technologies.
Pavuna and Jurendic are also exploring the potential of ‘implosion engineering’.
The ‘implosion process’ is a suction process that causes matter and energy to move inwards and to follow a spiral path to the center. In this process fractal water structures are created and interacted.
“Implosion engineering is a concept representing a framework for future engineering development. It integrates water, fractal geometry and the implosion process with contemporary engineering.”
The vision moving forward for the Tesla World Foundation is the development of new sustainable and modern equipment, processes and technologies with a deeper understanding of the implosion process from the mathematical and engineering point of view.
“Ideally we would have numerous fractal experts to systematically work virtually on all contemporary challenges. The manufacturing of new highly efficient economical equipment and machines (implosion pumps, ship propellers, bioreactors, energy devices) based on water inward spiral principles will become a reality.”
In closing, Pavuna and Jurendic strongly affirm that clean, efficient, affordable energy services are indispensable for global prosperity. The need for sustainable and modern infrastructure technologies is more pronounced than ever before.
“We are witnesses of serious negative consequences for water, forests, different biosystems and all life on our planet.”
Perhaps the time is now for a different perspective – through water’s fractal lens.
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