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Canada    Mexico    USA: New York    Georgia    Louisiana   Ohio    California
September 7, 2024
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According to the Alberta Government, many areas in Alberta are dealing with drought conditions, particularly in the southern part of the province.

Alberta is currently instage 4 (out of 5) in its water shortage management response plan. Without sufficient precipitation, the province faces the risk of a significant drought in 2024. Alberta’s government is monitoring conditions and working closely with water users and local governments to help manage and conserve water where possible.

Alberta Environment and Parks has issued 51 water shortage advisories for the Province of Alberta.

With low amounts of snowfall this season so far many areas are reporting a lack of water and snow pack to melt into the rivers.

For Central Alberta, water shortage advisories have been issued for the following:

  • Little Red Deer River
  • Medicine-Blindman Rivers
  • Middle Red Deer River-Matzhiwin Creek
  • Three Hills-Kneehills Creeks-Rosebud River
  • Upper Red Deer River
  • Upper Battle River-Pigeon Lake

A water shortage advisory is issued when stream flows and/or lake and/or reservoir levels are lower than normal, and are either approaching or are currently below key water management thresholds.

Depending on the severity of the conditions, water conservation measures may be recommended, or management actions may be invoked relating to angling, temporary diversion licences, or licenced water withdrawals.

WT     Canada    Mexico    USA: New York    Georgia    Louisiana    Ohio

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