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February 7, 2025
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Update        CO2 THAT ROCKS

BC start-up Arca Climate recognized amongst top finalists in XPRIZE carbon removal competition


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BC start-up Arca removes CO2 from mine tailings, transforms it into rocks

Geologists will tell you that 99% of the Earth's carbon is stored in rocks. That’s why we’re focusing on carbon mineralization, the natural process that transforms carbon into rock. After 20 years of academic research, and having worked with dozens of mining companies, we have developed the technology to accelerate mineralization and we’re now deploying this on site.”

-- Dr. Greg Dipple, Arca’s Head of Science and Co-Founder.

WATERTODAY reached out to Arca’s Sean Lowrie for comment.

By Suzanne Forcese

WT: Please give us a brief overview of Arca.

Lowrie: Arca is a carbon mineralization company committed to reversing climate change by capturing carbon dioxide from the air and transforming it into rock. Founded by Dr. Greg Dipple and fellow geoscientists from the University of British Columbia, Arca has developed cutting-edge technologies that accelerate the natural process of carbon mineralization.

The company is developing strategic partnerships with global producers of critical materials. We leverage historical mine waste to remove atmospheric CO2 safely and permanently with no new demands on land or precious water resources.

WT: Congratulations on being recognized as one of the 20 finalists in the X-Prize competition. Please tell us about the competition so that our viewers have a sense of this honor.

Lowrie: XPRIZE Carbon Removal is aimed at tackling the biggest threat facing humanity -fighting climate change and rebalancing Earth’s carbon cycle. This four-year, $100 million global competition invites innovators and teams from anywhere on the planet to create and demonstrate solutions that can pull carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere or oceans and sequester it durably and sustainably. Arca is 1 of 20 finalists that are working toward the $50M grand prize that will be awarded in 2025.

WT: What has this meant for the Arca Team?

Lowrie: Our CEO, Paul Needham shares that our approach is a new pathway to stabilize our climate. Being named a top 20 finalist in the XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition is not only an honor but a validation of our vision and the pioneering work of our rockstar team.

The Arca Team believes we need to make big, bold moves. This is why we are developing strategic partnerships with global producers of critical materials. We leverage historical mine waste to remove atmospheric CO2 safely and permanently. Our pathway has gigatonne-scale potential yet makes no new demands on land or precious water resources - because we operate within existing industrial footprints.

WT: Can you tell us more about these partnerships?

Lowrie: Arca helps global companies with net-zero targets take responsibility for their emissions by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Arca is already working with climate leaders such as Stripe and Shopify and encourages other companies with net-zero targets to make contact.

WT: What’s the next step?

Lowrie: Arca is now ramping up its development to meet the XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition’s scaling target for the winning entry.

WT: On behalf of WATERTODAY’s viewers WT wishes you continued success as you proceed in the competition. We look forward to connecting with you again for more updates.

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