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February 7, 2025
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Wrap-up: There are 39 advisories to report: 5 in BC, 6 in MB, 2 in NB, 1 in ON, 12 in QC, 13 in SK


BELCARRA (White Pine Beach WS) – BWN issued Oct 25 due to equipment malfunction during treatment/distribution.

SALT SPRING ISLAND (Highland-Fernwood Water System) – BWN issued Oct 28 due to localized pressure loss due to line break/subsequent repair, approx. 70 customers are affected.

SALT SPRING ISLAND (Lake Maxwell Waterworks) – BWN issued Oct 28 by Island Health, no reason provided.

As per North Salt Spring Water District (NSSWD) website: 1) Current treatment process (chlorination) is no longer capable of meeting Island Health’s drinking water standards. 2) In the case of toxic cyanobacterial bloom, the current treatment may not be able to remove the toxin from the treated water. 3) Without the Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) process they cannot remove organics that when combined with chlorine form potentially carcinogenic by-products in the treated water. 4) Island Health Authority has mandated that NSSWD take steps to bring the Maxwell Lake Water System into compliance with Health Canada Standards.

SALT SPRING ISLAND (Lake Maxwell Waterworks) - WQA issued July 14, 2023 for elevated concentrations of Trihalomethanes (THM’s). However, the water quality of Maxwell Lake has been a concern for the (NSSWD) and Island Health since 2008. The Maxwell system can experience elevated concentrations of Trihalomethanes (THMs). This is attributed to the reaction between chlorinated water and naturally occurring organic materials such as wood and leaves found in the Maxwell Lake Watershed. For example, in 2022 the average THM concentration was 146.58 µg/L (guideline is 100 µg/L for THM’s) 88% of the THM samples taken during 2022 were above the guideline limits.

SALT SPRING ISLAND (North Salt Spring Water District) Water Moratorium Policy Update Oct 22 - Following the completion of a detailed analysis of water supply reliability and water system infrastructure, the North Salt Spring Water District (NSSWD) is proposing a partial lift of its Water Moratorium Policy that has been in place since 2014, potentially allowing up to 300 multifamily units in their service area. The Moratorium imposed was initially justified due to concerns about unsustainable water withdrawals; The NSSWD Board and staff have taken great efforts to responsibly manage Salt Spring Island’s largest yet limited water supply however, it has hindered the growth and development of the community.

TETE JAUNE CACHE (Tete Jaune Weigh Scale) – BWN issued Oct 28 due to the water system treatment components are located in a confined space and are not properly maintained. Unsatisfactory results were obtained from water sample tests.


ALDERGROVE (Greater Vancouver Zoo) – BWA LIFTED. The Advisory was in effect for one year, issued on October 6, 2023.

AGASSIZ (Hemlock Water System) - BWN LIFTED. The Advisory was in effect for over a year, issued on August 5, 2023.

KITIMAT Community Water System – BWN LIFTED. The Advisory was issued September 23 for high turbidity.

PARKSVILLE (Riverbend Resort) – BWN LIFTED. The Advisory was issued October 23 due to unacceptable water quality results.

PRINCE RUPERT Community WS – BWN was in effect September 10 to October 28 due to unacceptable water quality results.

ROLLEY LAKEProvincial Park - BWN was in effect for one year, issued on October 5, 2023 due to adverse water sample results.

WINDERMERE (East Side Water System) - WQA was in effect October 24 to 26 for line repair.


GLADSTONE (Riverdale Colony Farms) - BWA issued Oct 28 to Yellowhead Regional WS due to line break and emergency repair.

LANDSDOWNE-GLENELLA Public WS - BWA issued Oct 28 to Yellowhead Regional WS due to line break and emergency repair.

NORTH NORFOLK Public WS - BWA issued Oct 28 to Yellowhead Regional Water System due to line break and emergency repair.

MACGREGOR (Baker Colony Farms) - BWA issued Oct 28 to Yellowhead Regional WS due to line break and emergency repair.

WESTBOURNE (Westroc Colony Farms) - BWA issued Oct 28 to Yellowhead Regional WS due to line break and emergency repair.

WESTLAKE-GLADSTONE Public WS - BWA issued Oct 28 to Yellowhead Regional WS due to line break and emergency repair.


EAST SELKIRK Municipal Water System – BWA was in effect October 21 to 28.

RM of ROSEDALE (Kelwood Public WS) - BWA was in effect October 21 to 28 for flushing.


ALMA Community Water System – BWO issued Oct 24 due to increase in turbidity levels.

FREDERICTON (Hanwell Community) – BWO issued Oct 27 due to system depressurization; there are 385 home affected.



STEPHENVILLE (Well Field) - BWA was in effect October 18 to 23 for maintenance/repairs.



IQALUIT Community WS – BWA issued to Happy Valley was in effect October 23 to 28 due to capital works.


HALTON HILLS (Mt. Zion Apostolic Ark Church of Jesus Christ) – BWA issued Oct 24 due to adverse water quality results.


JANETVILLE (Wolf Run Golf Club) – BWO was in effect October 18 to 28. No reason given.



BAIE-COMEAU réseau municipal - (BWA) 28 octobre Avis d'ébullition d'eau localisé en vigueur.

CONTRECŒUR réseau municipal – (BWA) 28 octobre Avis préventif d'ébullition de l'eau sur le rang du Brûlé en raison de travaux de réparation à la suite d’un bris d’aqueduc.

KIPAWA réseau municipal – (BWA) 26 octobre Avis d’ébullition de l’eau émis pour le réseau de distribution d’eau du lac Tee en raison de la détection d’Escherichia coli (E. coli) dans des échantillons récents.

LAVAL réseau municipal - (BWA) 28 octobre Avis préventif d’ébullition de l’eau localisé. Il y a actuellement 3 avis localisés en vigueur.

LÉVIS (Saint-Etienne) - (BWA) 29 octobre Avis d'ébullition d'eau localisé en raison d’un bris vanne de rue.

LÉVIS (Saint-Jean-Chrysostome) - (BWA) 28 octobre Avis d'ébullition d'eau localisé en raison d’un bris vanne de rue.

LÉVIS (Saint-Nicolas) - (BWA) 28 octobre Avis d'ébullition d'eau localisé en raison d’un bris vanne de rue. Il y a actuellement 4 avis localisés en vigueur dans la ville.

SAINT-ALPHONSE-de-GRANBY (Maison du Bel Âge) - (BWA) 26 octobre Avis d’ébullition de l’eau en vigueur.

SAINT-JÉRÔME réseau municipal - (BWA) 28 octobre Avis d’ébullition préventif en vigueur pour quelques résidences situées sur le boulevard des Laurentides.

SAINT-SAUVEUR réseau municipal – (DNC) 28 octobre Il est important que certains résidents résidant sur l'Allée Morzine ne consomment pas d'eau, car elle n'est pas potable. Pour désinfecter les canalisations, l'eau a une concentration très élevée en chlore, et consommer cette eau entraînerait de graves problèmes de santé.

SAINT-SAUVEUR réseau municipal – (BWA) 28 october Avis d'ébullition préventif est actuellement en vigueur jusqu'à nouvel ordre pour l'ensemble des adresses desservies par le réseau d'aqueduc municipal, à l'exception du Domaine Saint-Sauveur, et des adresses connectées à un réseau d'aqueduc privé ou un puits artésien. En raison d'un bris d'aqueduc.

SOREL-TRACY réseau municipal - (BWA) 28 octobre Avis d'ébullition d'eau localisé en vigueur.


MONT-LAURIER réseau municipal – (2 LIFTED) 27 octobre LEVÉE des avis d’ébullition d’eau émis les 21 et 22 octobre.

MONTRÉAL (Saint-Léonard) – (LIFTED) L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 19 au 27 octobre.

MONTRÉAL (Saint-Léonard) – (LIFTED) L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 22 au 28 octobre. . Il y a actuellement 4 avis localisés en vigueur dans la ville.

La TUQUE (La Croche) - (LIFTED) L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 23 au 26 octobre. Il y a actuellement 1 avis localisés en vigueur.

VARENNES réseau municipal - L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 24 au 27 octobre cause d’une erreur de manœuvre provenant d’une entreprise du territoire.


CANORA Community WS – PDWA issued Oct 28 due to localized pressure loss resulting from a water line replacement. There are currently 2 localized Advisories in effect.

CARNDUFF Waterworks – PDWA issued Oct 28 due to localized pressure loss resulting from a line break/subsequent repair. There are currently 2 localized Advisories in effect.

CEYLON Community WS – PDWA issued Oct 28 due to system depressurization resulting from a water main break/subsequent repair.

DYSART Water System - PDWA issued Oct 28 due to localized pressure loss resulting from a line break subsequent repair. There are currently 2 localized Advisories in effect.

MOOSE JAW Municipal WS - PDWA issued Oct 28 for a localized service replacement. There are currently 10 localized PDWAs in effect.

ROSE VALLEY Community WS - PDWA issued Oct 28 due to localized pressure loss resulting from a hydrant failure.

SASKATOON Municipal WS – 5 Localized PDWAs issued between Oct 26 and 28; one Hydrant Replacement, three Valve Replacements, and one Water Main Break. There are currently 9 localized advisories in effect.

SEDLEY Community WS - PDWA issued Oct 28 due to system depressurization resulting from a hydrant replacement.

TOGO Community WS – PDWA issued Oct 27 due to system depressurization resulting from a power outage.


BIRCH HILLS Waterworks - PDWA was in effect October 23 to 28 for line break/repair.

BREDENBURY Waterworks - PDWA was in effect October 15 to 28 for line break/repair.

FRANCIS Waterworks - PDWA was in effect October 23 to 28 for a power outage.

SAINT GREGOR Waterworks – PDWA was in effect for 21 months; February 8, 2023 to October 10, 2024.

SASKATOON Municipal WS – 8 PDWAs were LIFTED for advisories issued between Oct 26 to 28; 6 Valve Replacements, one Water Main Break and one Water Connection Installation.

October 25, 2024 wrap-up

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