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September 16, 2024
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NAV CANADA grants Santa Claus priority status
on the night of December 24th

This historic first will allow Santa to Dash through the snow safely from coast to coast

In a press release published on December 22nd, NAV CANADA announced that it has become the first Air Navigation Service Provider worldwide to sign an agreement with Santa Claus to provide priority status on the night of December 24th to 25th for safe, orderly and expeditious gift delivery.

A delighted Santa Claus has implemented an ADS-B antenna to his sleigh, with Rudloph adding that” while we're all aware that my nose guides the sleigh, it's nice to know the folks at NAV CANADA support our operation with this great technology. I oversaw installation of the two-way antenna myself – and if anyone's an expert on navigation, it's me."

"Canadian children who have been very good deserve to receive their gifts in a timely fashion, " said Raymond G. Bohn, President and CEO, NAV CANADA.

In response to a follow-up question by WaterToday, NAV CANADA spokesperson said,” While certain aspects of the agreement cannot be disclosed due to the sensitivity of Santa’s magic, we can confirm that the agreement contained renewal clauses. We can also confirm that Santa has submitted a detailed flight plan. It is the single largest flight plan we receive annually.

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