Wrap-up: There are 27 advisories to report: 2 in BC, 1 in MB, 3 in NL, 2 in ON, 6 in QC, 13 in SK
PRINCE GEORGE (Canfor-PG Sawmill) - BWN issued March 21 due to a crack in their cistern causing surface water run off to enter the tank.
Greater Vernon Water Utility – BWN issued March 20 due to localized depressurization resulting from a line break/subsequent repair.
SALT SPRING ISLAND (The Cottages) – BWN was in effect from March 14 for Microbiological Contamination.
WINDERMERE Water System – WQA was in effect March 14 to 21 for Flushing.
CARTIER Regional Public Water System – BWA issued March 21 due to localized depressurization resulting from maintenance.
LANGRUTH Public Water System – BWA was in effect from March 18, no reason provided by Health Authority.
MELITA (Southwest Regional Water Co-Op) – BWA was in effect from March 11 for a Line Break.
NOTRE-DAME-DE-LOURDES Public WS – BWA was in effect from March 14 for a Line Break.
PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE Public Water System – BWA was in effect from March 18, no reason provided by Health Authority.
RED HARBOUR (1A Well Drilled + 1C Dug Well) – BWA issued March 20 due to system maintenance/repairs.
ST. GEORGE’S (Wellfield) – BWA issued March 20 due to localized depressurization resulting from a main valve replacement.
TRINITY (Indian Pond) – BWA issued March 18 due to pump failure.
CORNER BROOK Municipal WS – BWA was in effect March 10 to 20 for Upgrades. There is 1 localized advisory in effect in the City.
KIPPENS (Well Field) – BWA was in effect March 14 to 20 for Maintenance/Repairs
MAKKOVIK (Ranger Bight Pond) – BWA was in effect from July 25 due to Escherichia coli (E. coli).
STEPHENVILLE Municipal WS – BWA was in effect February 18 to March 7 for Line Repairs. A WQA is currently in effect for high levels of Manganese.
GOGAMA (IAMGOLD - Coté Gold Project) – BWO issued March 19 due to the presence or possible presence of bacteria or other micro-organisms in the water.
HALIBURTON Highlands of Hope Well Supply – BWA issued March 19.
INGLESIDE (South Stormont Municipal WS) – BWA was in effect March 17 to 18 for water pressures loss.
LONG SAULT (South Stormont Municipal WS) – BWA was in effect March 17 to 18 for water pressures loss.
OSNABRUCK CENTRE (South Stormont Municipal WS) – BWA was in effect March 17 to 18 for water pressures loss.
PERTH SOUTH (St. Pauls Drinking Water System) – BWA was in effect March 11 to 13 for Maintenance.
COWANSVILLE réseau municipal – (BWA) 20 mars Avis d’ébullition préventif localisé en vigueur à la suite d’un bris d’aqueduc.
MONTRÉAL (Nord) – (BWA) 20 mars Avis d’ébullition préventif localisé en vigueur. Il y a actuellement 4 avis localisés en vigueur dans la Ville.
ROUYN-NORANDA réseau municipal – (3 BWAs) 20 mars, trois avis d'ébullition d'eau localisés sont en vigueur à la suite d’un bris d’aqueduc.
SAINTE-ÉLISABETH réseau municipal – (BWA) 19 mars Avis d’ébullition préventif localisé en vigueur à la suite d’un bris d’aqueduc.
ROUYN-NORANDA réseau municipal – 20 mars RENOUVELLEMENT: L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau sur la route d'Aiguebelle et la rue des Mésanges demeure en vigueur en raison de Bactéries trouvées dans l'eau brute, fournie par leur puits.
RENEWAL NOTICE: The BWA on route d'Aiguebelle and rue des Mésanges remains in effect due to Bacteria found in the raw water, supplied from their well.
BAIE-COMEAU réseau municipal – (LIFTED) LEVÉE L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 19 mars.
LAVAL réseau municipal – (4 LIFTED) LEVÉE Quatre avis d'ébullition de l'eau ont été levés pour les avis émis les 18 et 19 mars. Il n'y a aucun avis en vigueur dans la Ville.
LÉVIS (Saint-Jean-Chrysostome) – (LIFTED) LEVÉE L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 17 au 21 mars cause d’un bris d’aqueduc. Il y a actuellement 2 avis localisés en vigueur pour la Ville.
NICOLET réseau municipal – (LIFTED) LEVÉE L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 17 au 21 mars cause des inondations.
SAINT-EUSTACHE réseau municipal – (LIFTED) LEVÉE L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 19 au 20 mars cause d’une coupure d’eau.
SAINTE-ADÈLE réseau municipal – (2 LIFTED) LEVÉE Deux avis d'ébullition de l'eau ont été levés pour les avis émis les 15 et 17 mars.
SAINTE-ANNE-des-PLAINES réseau municipal – (LIFTED) LEVÉE L'avis d'ébullition de l'eau était en vigueur du 17 au 20 mars.
ABERDEEN Waterworks – PDWA issued March 20 due to localized depressurization resulting from a line break/subsequent repair.
ALSASK Waterworks – PDWA issued March 21 due to localized depressurization resulting from a line break/subsequent repair.
DUFFERIN Water Association Waterworks Pipeline – PDWA issued March 24 due to commissioning of new carbon filters at the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant.
MARQUIS Rural Water Users Waterworks Pipeline – PDWA issued March 24 due to commissioning of new carbon filters at the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant.
RM of MARQUIS No 191 (Eight Mile Pipeline Association) – PDWA issued March 24 due to commissioning of new carbon filters at the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant.
RM of MARQUIS No 191 (Parkview Water Users Inc) – PDWA issued March 24 due to commissioning of new carbon filters at the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant.
MOOSE JAW Municipal WS – PDWA issued March 20 for localized service replacement.
OXBOW Distribution System – PDWA issued March 20 due to localized depressurization resulting from a line break.
SANDY BAY Waterworks – PDWA issued March 21 due to localized depressurization resulting from a line break/subsequent repair.
SASKATOON Municipal WS – 2 PDWAs issued for localized Water Connection Replacement (1) and Water Connection Repair (1).
SaskWater (Buffalo Pound Potable Water Supply System) – PDWA issued March 24 due to commissioning of new carbon filters. Service will be interrupted followed by a boil water advisory affecting Customers on the North and West pipelines; Villages of Marquis, Tuxford, Bethune, Disley and the Qu’Appelle Valley Water Users are exempt from this PDWA advisory due to their offline storage and re-chlorination capabilities.
WOOD RIVER Utility Board Gravelbourg NW Pipeline) – PDWA issued March 24 due to commissioning of new carbon filters at the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant.
DUCK LAKE Distribution System – PDWA was in effect from March 19 for a Line Repair.
ESTERHAZY Water Distribution System – PDWA was in effect from March 11 for a Line Repair.
ITUNA Waterworks – PDWA was in effect from March 14 for a Line Repair.
LAMPMAN Distribution System – PDWA was in effect from February 18 because of a Depleted Reservoir.
LANIGAN Distribution System – PDWA was in effect from March 17 for a Line Repair.
MOOSE JAW Municipal WS – 4 PDWAs lifted for advisories issued Mar 4 for a Water Main Leak, Mar 11 and 13 for Service Repairs and Mar 14 for Depressurization. There are currently 4 advisories in effect in the City.
MOOSOMIN Water Distribution System – PDWA was in effect from March 13 for a Line Repair.
PRINCE ALBERT Rural Water Waterworks – PDWA was in effect from March 12 for a Service Repair.
SASKATOON Municipal WS – 3 PDWAs were lifted for advisories issued on March 16 and 17 for Water Main Breaks (2) and a Valve Replacement (1). There are currently 6 advisories in effect in the City.
STAR CITY Waterworks – PDWA was in effect from March 15 for a Line Repair.
March 20, 2025 wrap-up