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Canada    Mexico    USA: New York    Georgia    Louisiana   Ohio    California
October 11, 2024
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There were 2865 Drinking Water Advisories (DWA) in Canada in 2023, according to Water Today’s Records. These include 2760 Boil Water Advisories (BWA), 71 Do Not Consume (DNC), 41 Water Quality Advisories (WQA), and 89 Cyanobacteria Alerts (Blue-green Algae). This is also the first year that water shortages alerts were issued in Alberta and British Columbia pointing to an emerging trend in Canada.

Provincially, Saskatchewan tops the list with 733 Drinking Water Advisories issued, followed by Quebec (537) and BC (418). In the Northern Territories, no DWAs were issued in Yukon, while 24 were issued in Nunavut, and 1 in the Northwest Territories.

Alberta tops the list for Blue-green Algae alerts (50), followed by Ontario with 26 and New Brunswick 10. Many provinces do not report on Blue-green alerts. Quebec, initially a pioneer in reporting the presence of blue green has discontinued the practice.

FULL LIST per Province below

Canada - 2865

Boil Water - 2760
Do not Consume - 71

Water Quality - 41
Severe Water Shortage - 4
Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria) - 86


BC - 418

Boil Water - 359
Do not Consume - 15
Severe Water Shortage - 2
Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria - 3
Water Quality - 39

Alberta - 141

Boil Water - 83
Do Not Consume - 6
Severe Shortage - 2
Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria) - 50

YT - 0


NWT - 1

Boil Water - 1

NU - 24

Boil Water - 24

SK - 733

Boil Water - 729
Do not Consume - 4

MB - 345

Boil Water - 343
Do not Consume - 2

ON - 319

Boil Water - 288
Do not Consume - 4
Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria) - 26
Water Quality - 1

QC - 537

Boil Water - 497
Do not Consume - 40

NB - 47

Boil Water - 37
Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria) - 10

NS - 189

Boil Water - 189

PEI - 2

Boil Water - 2

NL - 209

Boil Water - 208
Water Quality - 1

WT     Canada    Mexico    USA: New York    Georgia    Louisiana    Ohio

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