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March 14, 2025

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Update 2023/5/5
Space Food

brought to you in part by

Noah Trekker

CSA Announces Finalists In The Deep Space Food Challenge(DSFC)

By Suzanne Forcese

CSA Announces Finalists In The Deep Space Food Challenge

Canadian DSFC teams receive $100,000 each to further develop their prototypes over the next year.

WATERTODAY congratulates the finalists of the DSFC!

AstroYeast Microfarm/Concordia University

CanadaGOOSE/ University of Guelph

Cricket Rearing, Collection, and Transformation System/McGill University

CANGrow Modular Indoor Food Production System

Best of luck to the brilliant and creative participants in this last phase of the Challenge!

The Canadian Grand Prize Winner will be announced in Spring 2024.

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